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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><!--
- (c) RenderX, 2000
- This file makes part of the RenderX XSL FO Test Suite. Permission is
- granted to copy and modify this file as a whole or in part, provided
- that any work derived from it bear a reference to the original
- document.
- -->
- <fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format" xmlns:xep="http://www.renderx.com/XEP/xep" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
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- <fo:list-item-label end-indent="label-end()">
- <fo:block text-align="start" font-weight="bold"> Basic Font Attributes - Font Weight </fo:block>
- </fo:list-item-label>
- <fo:list-item-body start-indent="body-start()">
- <fo:block text-align="end">
- Page <fo:page-number/>
- </fo:block>
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- <fo:list-item>
- <fo:list-item-label end-indent="label-end()">
- <fo:block text-align="start" font-weight="bold">© <fo:basic-link external-destination="url(http://www.renderx.com/)" color="#0000C0" text-decoration="underline">Render<fo:wrapper font-weight="bold" color="#C00000">X</fo:wrapper>
- </fo:basic-link> 2000</fo:block>
- </fo:list-item-label>
- <fo:list-item-body start-indent="body-start()">
- <fo:block text-align="end" font-style="italic" color="#606060">
- XSL Formatting Objects Test Suite
- </fo:block>
- </fo:list-item-body>
- </fo:list-item>
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- <fo:block font="bold 14pt Helvetica" color="black" space-before="18pt" space-before.conditionality="discard" space-after="6pt" keep-with-next.within-column="always" keep-together.within-column="always" text-align="center" padding="3pt" background-color="silver"> Basic Font Attributes - Font Weight </fo:block>
- <fo:block font="12pt Times" space-before="6pt" space-after="6pt"> This test contains examples of different font weights.
- It is conceived as an exhaustive test of all ways
- of expressing font weight in XSL.
- </fo:block>
- <fo:block text-align="start" font-family="Helvetica">
- <fo:block space-before.optimum="24pt" keep-with-next.within-column="always">
- <fo:wrapper text-decoration="underline">
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="bold">Helvetica:</fo:wrapper>
- </fo:wrapper>
- </fo:block>
- <fo:block font-weight="normal" space-before="6pt">
- Default is normal:
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="700">bold (weight=700)</fo:wrapper>
- - normal -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="bold">bold (weight=bold)</fo:wrapper>
- - normal -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="bolder">bold (weight=bolder)</fo:wrapper>
- - normal.
- </fo:block>
- <fo:block font-weight="bold" space-before="6pt">
- Default is bold:
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="400">normal (weight=400)</fo:wrapper>
- - bold -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="normal">normal (weight=normal)</fo:wrapper>
- - bold -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="lighter">normal (weight=lighter)</fo:wrapper>
- - bold.
- </fo:block>
- <fo:block font-weight="normal" space-before="6pt">
- Font weight progression:
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="100">100 (extra light)</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="200">200</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="300">300</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="400">400 (normal)</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="500">500</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="600">600</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="700">700 (bold)</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="800">800</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="900">900 (extra bold)</fo:wrapper>
- </fo:block>
- </fo:block>
- <fo:block text-align="start" font-family="Times">
- <fo:block space-before.optimum="24pt" keep-with-next.within-column="always">
- <fo:wrapper text-decoration="underline">
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="bold">Times:</fo:wrapper>
- </fo:wrapper>
- </fo:block>
- <fo:block font-weight="normal" space-before="6pt">
- Default is normal:
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="700">bold (weight=700)</fo:wrapper>
- - normal -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="bold">bold (weight=bold)</fo:wrapper>
- - normal -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="bolder">bold (weight=bolder)</fo:wrapper>
- - normal.
- </fo:block>
- <fo:block font-weight="bold" space-before="6pt">
- Default is bold:
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="400">normal (weight=400)</fo:wrapper>
- - bold -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="normal">normal (weight=normal)</fo:wrapper>
- - bold -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="lighter">normal (weight=lighter)</fo:wrapper>
- - bold.
- </fo:block>
- <fo:block font-weight="normal" space-before="6pt">
- Font weight progression:
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="100">100 (extra light)</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="200">200</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="300">300</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="400">400 (normal)</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="500">500</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="600">600</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="700">700 (bold)</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="800">800</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="900">900 (extra bold)</fo:wrapper>
- </fo:block>
- </fo:block>
- <fo:block text-align="start" font-family="Courier">
- <fo:block space-before.optimum="24pt" keep-with-next.within-column="always">
- <fo:wrapper text-decoration="underline">
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="bold">Courier:</fo:wrapper>
- </fo:wrapper>
- </fo:block>
- <fo:block font-weight="normal" space-before="6pt">
- Default is normal:
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="700">bold (weight=700)</fo:wrapper>
- - normal -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="bold">bold (weight=bold)</fo:wrapper>
- - normal -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="bolder">bold (weight=bolder)</fo:wrapper>
- - normal.
- </fo:block>
- <fo:block font-weight="bold" space-before="6pt">
- Default is bold:
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="400">normal (weight=400)</fo:wrapper>
- - bold -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="normal">normal (weight=normal)</fo:wrapper>
- - bold -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="lighter">normal (weight=lighter)</fo:wrapper>
- - bold.
- </fo:block>
- <fo:block font-weight="normal" space-before="6pt">
- Font weight progression:
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="100">100 (extra light)</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="200">200</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="300">300</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="400">400 (normal)</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="500">500</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="600">600</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="700">700 (bold)</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="800">800</fo:wrapper> -
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="900">900 (extra bold)</fo:wrapper>
- </fo:block>
- </fo:block>
- <fo:block font="12pt Times" space-before="6pt" space-after="6pt" border="thin solid black" text-align="justify" padding="3pt">
- <fo:wrapper font-weight="bold" color="red" keep-with-next.within-line="always">
- </fo:wrapper>
- Please note that in the font weight progressions above,
- we do not expect to have all weights different;
- it depends on the availability of weight variants
- for the specific font. Unless your renderer can provide
- for automatic font thickening, you will see only two weight
- grades: typically, all weights greater then 500 will be displayed
- as bold typeface, and all smaller weights will appear as normal.
- Such behaviour <fo:wrapper font-weight="bold">is not an error</fo:wrapper>.
- </fo:block>
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